Golf Bag Storage Iteration
Raw interior view with all sides padded besides an angled basin of a sidewall rounded in nature and angular. Series triangle construction...

Mendelbulb fractal design. Design morphine course. Base was a multitude of triangular, long tongue shape sheath and loaded this in...

Proper wind vein
Runs about 1.5 2.5 feet back into the deeper part of the hvac system in the channel. The channels are directing air through a thorough...

Skyscraper iteration: Complexify
round ended model for model d hvac H floor plates and air system faces of the facade to create cross breeze. maybe sink it into a plaza....
Shapeways store for bool pot
https://www.shapeways.com/shops/planttower-1 Polycuento alawento, connectors should be on there soon.

Interesting flow
Ran a binary sequence: li, mo, line, loft, mirror, developed from previous model in reference see photo. Might have a few projects in...

Little patches of grass? Stairstep duct central main point Prop it up with sheath

Here's a wild model of a space cruiser, planar entry point for air manipulation with a number of caveots. Long time working on this model...