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Albe-nation - flowing in fly nation - probably move to Spain in my gaigation of flow in be ration.

Looking at getting a super computer model done, here's an email probably about 1,000 words of systematics and natural frequencies to go to the next step I want to show you the message. Not trying to be controversial, but people stand in my way or something from time to time. Have some previous students names in this email and look at having, well derivations of mesh surfaces thickened and singular geometry purchased for modeling architecture model. Just thought of this, fan systems with solar panels on the fin flat sides. Deravating wind shear and solar thermal characteristics. The students I taught didn't think about seams in the modeling program for acoustic shoot and I informed them about it and the lack of ability to formulate acoustics on the free form system for manipulating because the surface quality is better in the program: grasshopper, because there's probably either nested loops either way to allow the function to take place which could be like a chromatin loop of entanglement for chacteristics of systems that produce geometry and what is learned after many years of trying different options and producing something naturally and in my case with a little formulated dip some for study and possible impact of a particular generative design. This has been the cheapest and most affective process not necessarily learning, but doing pop-to models and trying many different models in rhino 3d with grasshopper with digital and through time generating a multitude of different simple designs. If you think you're fed up with all the bs, try going to architecture school with a tardive disorder where people like to be silly and not be of an architectural moment for cool and superlative designs frequencies with rockers and wind differentials. I may go to Barcelona for Urban design school and configure a project like this but I digress. Wouldn't that be cool if I did some more studies? Ladies and gentlemen the thing with a lot of turns.

Furthermore extension to email pricing schematic design for design process: empathize, define, ideate, prototype and test.

Empathize a price for much would this cost for design with, I would think it would be super computer work.

Depending a working characteristic that procuress a process because I've tried a few times on a machine that's about three years older and was pretty good at that time. Ideally about 5 layer system, but could be different numbers, what works best, think about a 21 floor system, maybe a middle one down a ways. Pattern like this, single extended yin yang ninety degree turn system then next three unit layer up one whole convexing layer system 67 times, rocker system biomorphic shape with fans on ducting units throughout the iteration. Y system 3-4 through pathway systems on the Y layout 67 times for exchange of stories of natural material qualities for density study with factors of wind, then rocker layer then D system with 156 thorough pathway system blocks with D-hvac qualities of straight pipe diagrams going through different patterns and it seems like the 0=0=0 could be something line ()=()==()===()===()==()=() about 21 layers for a short of end of pattern maximum design frequency, but if you have any study to confirm design corrections I'd like to hear. Other option, one pathway 67 times through the layered system() then= rockers then Y() system with study characteristics of 3-4 thorough pathway for study of vacuum pressure system, then rockers= then D HVAC 156 straight duct arc down to straight duct (). Just a surface model so I can get pieces in whole file combination. ()=()=(): this is a minimum design frequency and bottom line looking to spend about .50 cents - 300 dollars. Maybe two models of it's reasonable for the big 21 layer and the 5 layer.

If you have a useful presumption of how what's the max of these you can have power square mile. Ladybug model grasshopper wind system pathways. I worked with some graduate students giving them information about happier back in 2015' Pete Evans professor watching over, Gentina Patton female 1st or second year graduate student in architecture at my alma mater Iowa State University, and Barrett Peterson both 2014 graduate students who need some good projects.

Ten ()=()==()==()=() : this is a middle ground : single, rocker, Y system, rocker, rocker, one whole system D system 67 times for each one, rocker, rocker, y, rocker, single. Orange ducting picture is the single system laid out. The arc single system (red) is a derivation of the system I handle and inability to produce on clunker machine with codified layouts that don't function at that time but do in the future.

The holey system is combined with shear model iterations that flex the path in and out about 6 times, three bottom bringing out then three bringing in with dual convexing system panels and is that's like ten bucks then do it with the, for the full shot, thorough pathway extended 10 turn duality ninety degree flex pathway thorough pathway with double vexed layers doing something that you decide, but I have input. Needs the ducting with fans on the duct pathways all the times through the each layer three times per layer. Maybe rough it in with Photoshop if it doesn't work 16-67 fans per changing increasing pathway length going up in fan numbers on this mini system possibly with solar arrays on the fan fins; air thorough pathway derivative pathway decision. Maybe four the Luxembourg prize.

Ask a question if you have any. 50 cents to 300 dollars currently. I have most of it laid out just need a combination set. Am not able to combine on my own. What sort of computer would do this? Probably one, two, or three models to buy.

I can work on the sure shot model if it's ridiculous price.

Natural snow iteration of snow stack for force of thicken characteristic looking at doing a lab test on my own and maybe give you that data for that for thickness origin for stable structure. Probably need a singular surface model then just a mesh thicken close if you can do a differential thicken to get the air gap there on the thorough pathway system that would be great.


Bret Heyer





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10/31/23:  Scandinavian Art Show


11/6/23:  Video Art Around The World


11/29/23:  Lecture: History of Art


12/1/23:  Installations 2023 Indie Film Festival

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